A DAIMON INSTITUTE PRESENTATION -- 2021: The Role of Anxiety in the Lives of Gifted Adults: Origins, Manifestations, and Amelioration

Exceptionally bright human beings are infinitely more than the sum of their complex intellects and remarkable talents.
Gifted adults have the inborn capacity for extraordinary cognitive, affective, physical and intuitive functioning.
They have a core substrate of advanced and accelerated functions within the brain which is enhanced or inhibited by their interface in the environment.
Due to their innate differences from the norm, there may be a gross lack of fit and absent or inadequate opportunities for them to develop holistically, without injury.
Yet, it is every gifted person’s birthright to live a fully actuated “switched-on” life.
We will examine guiding principles, habits, mindset and skills that contribute to a life well-lived for this extraordinary populace.
Central to this discussion will be recognizing the COMPLEX ROLE OF ANIXETY in their lived experiences. Whenever we explain, mediate perception, or directly guide the gifted adult, we must be mindful of their uncommon core traits and anxiety’s ubiquitous (and often masked) role in their experiences.

We will explore fostering creativity, courage, focus, balance, and resilience to help our gifted adults thrive and not just merely survive.
Drawing from research in neuroscience, psychology of the gifted, extensive clinical data, and research and conceptualizations from the social sciences, the material presented here is explicitly fine-tuned for gifted adults.
Presented by:
P. Susan Jackson
Daimon Institute for the Highly Gifted Inc.
Presented at:
The FIRST worldwide 2e Adults' Online Conference -- November 1, 2021.
What people are saying about this Presentation:
“Oh my goodness! I've just listened to Patricia Susan Jackson, M.A., R.C.C.'s session and she was totally amazing. Such helpful and important information.”
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