Keeping Up With Susan Jackson

Excuse Me, Where do I Park my Whale?

Excuse me, Where do I park my Whale? The Extraordinary Journey Of the Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted.

New Book Release - Delayed to October 1, 2024

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We are excited to announce Susan Jackson is appearing at the

Virtual Summit on Giftedness and Neurodiversity.

on February 1-4, 2024

Featured Keynote Speaker

P. Susan Jackson

Navigating the Unparalleled Journey Parenting Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Children with Grace and Grit.

NAGC23 Conference

National Association for Gifted Children hosted their annual Conference in Florida at the Disney's Coronado Spring's Resort on November 9-12, 2023.

Featured P. Susan Jackson

The Unparalleled Journey Parenting Profoundly Gifted Children: The Experts Weigh In

Visiting Slovenia June 2023

In 2023, Susan Jackson took an amazing trip to visit the many Profoundly Gifted families in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She spoke at the conference "For a Better Future: Discovering and Understanding Giftedness" hosted by Katja Ujcic.

June 8 -9, 2023

NAGC22 Conference

Featured P. Susan Jackson

"The Case for Affective Programming in the Extraordinary Development of the Profoundly

Indianapolis, Illinois November 17- 20, 2022

2021 Mental Health Professional of the Year Award!

We are delighted to announce that our Daimon Institute Founder has been recognized for her outstanding work with Exceptionally and Profoundly gifted chidlren, youth and adults. On July 25, 2021. at the annual international SENG conference, president Dr. Kristina Collins announced the 2021 recipient of this award: our P. Susan Jackson.
SENG is an international organization that empowers families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

This award is given to those with distinction in providing services for gifted individuals, especially with proven impact on supporting the emotional needs of the gifted.

Public Response to the Award

Response from the Field Internationally:
"It is people like Patricia Susan Jackson who are game changers in the mental health world.
I congratulate her wholeheartedly."
American Podcast Host and Psychologist.
"Your contributions to your field and this population are endless and I know there is much more to come!" American Researcher, consultant, and mother of two EPGs
"The number of families you have touched and validated - including our brief meeting -
is so comforting as we navigate a world that is mostly not built for the HG and PG folk"
A Canadian mother of an EPG
"Your award is both well-deserved and encouraging to professionals committed to the
social-emotional well-being of profoundly gifted youth."
An American Physician
"Congratulations from across the pond! A wonderful recognition indeed." Gifted in France organization
"Congratulations Sue what an honor and fitting recognition for your amazing work." Researcher and consultant New Zealand
"To say your name is synonymous with PG is much too clinical sounding. It's more like your name is
synonymous with one of the portals to helping us be comfortable in this world we don't often fit
into very well. Thank you for all you do."
An American PG woman
"Congratulations Susan! Your insights are closely followed in South Africa." South Africian PG man
"Oh Sue!!! You so deserve this! One of the truly special angels that walk among us." Canadian mother of PG young man
"Sue had the unique ability to hold a pain or a struggle of an individual and make it
easier to process.She feels a person on deeper level and gently helps him/her toward empowerment.
Working with Sue changed my life. By mirroring me as a gifted person and embracing my
giftedness she helped me to dare to become my true self. It was truly a unique and liberating experience."
Slovenian Gifted Consultant and PG woman
"SO well deserved! We are so blessed that you chose to do this work." American PG man and teacher of PGs

2e "People to Watch Award": November 2020

SUE JACKSON IS AN EXPERT in the exceptionally and profoundly gifted, a group that is incredibly neuro diverse and represents less than one percent of the world's population.

Jackson's work  supporting this population includes direct psychotherapy with clients around the world and across a wide range of backgrounds and ages, from 2 to 90. She founded the Daimon Institute for the Highly Gifted in British Columbia in 1992 and serves as its therapeutic director. She has logged more than 60,000 clinical hours working exclusively with the exceptionally and profoundly gifted. In 2017, she created Daimon International to further broaden her reach to meet their educational and social-emotional needs. The Daimon Institute conducts research, provides mentorships, consults with Institutes worldwide, offers professional development training, as well as workshops for parents.

Beneath the accolades and impressive list of accomplishments, Jackson's true devotion and commitment to working with twice-exceptional and profoundly gifted children and adults is clear. She cares deeply about advocating for and working with these groups.  As she puts it: "This is my life's work and my mission: to support this neuro divergent group fully."


Een interview met P. Susan Jackson van het Daimon Institute. Zij werkt met exceptionally en profoundly gifted mensen van 0-99.

Third Factor Interview

Therapy for the Highly Gifted and Highly Excitable