"Rise is a valuable contribution towards improving awareness about our exceptionally and profoundly gifted children."
"Watching Rise was life changing for my 12 year old. She had tears rolling down her cheeks during the film. On the way back to our room I asked her about it. She said she thought she would always feel alone. She didn't think anyone else was like her except her siblings. She is still deeply touched by the film and talks about it. I am a physician and I have seen many kids misdiagnosed with mental health diagnosis when giftedness was the issue."
"When it came time for the credits to roll, I found myself still wanting, wishing for more."
"In this age of reality shows, many of which I believe to be potentially damaging to our nation’s youth, RISE was a refreshing dose of genuine reality. In this film you will not find exploitation, continuation of long-held stereotypes, voyeuristic competition - none of that. Rise is real, folks."
"I just finished watching this. I am speechless. The stories are diverse and yet the soul of each story sings the same haunting tune. Hope and pain and healing emanate through the cast of real living beautifully gifted humans. Thank you for this important documentary."
"Congratulations on a phenomenal documentary. Even when it was over I wanted to keep seeing those in it. I think this should be required viewing by all teachers present and upcoming and of course the public at large."
“This is an absolutely beautiful film”
Purchasing the RISE DVD is for private viewings only; for inquiries regarding any public screening of RISE please contact The Daimon Institute at daimoninstitute@shaw.ca.
Profound giftedness is a way of experiencing, perceiving, thinking, and creating that is fundamentally different from a more typical human experience
Our new hour-long documentary film, Rise: The Extraordinary Journey of the Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted, is a look into the lives of twelve exceptionally and profoundly gifted children, teenagers and young adults, fleshed out by stirring testimony from parents, teachers, and administrators.